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Student Handbook 2023-2024

Contents: Residence Hall Handbook

    Introduction and Goals and Desired Outcomes of Residential Living
    Residence Hall Staff 
    Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities: Expectations of Residents
    Selected Policy Reminders Specific to Residence Hall Living
    Student Discipline Protocols
    Acts in Violation of Established Student Housing and Student Life Policies or Procedures
        a. Alcohol ................................................................................ 
        b. Tobacco, Smoking, Smokeless Tobacco, and Vaping ........... 
        c. Health and Welfare ............................................................. 
        d. Unauthorized Occupancy/Use of Residential Facilities ....... 
        e. Pets and Animals ................................................................
        f. Trash and Recycling ............................................................ 
        g. Wheeled Transportation ..................................................... 
        h. Decorations ........................................................................ 
        i. Overcapacity Gatherings ..................................................... 
        j. Guests ................................................................................. 
        k. Hall Sports........................................................................... 
        l. Living with Roommates ....................................................... 
        m. Courtesy/Quiet Hours ......................................................... 
        n. Posting/Advertising............................................................. 
        o. Soliciting/Operating a Business ........................................... 
        p. Fire Alarm Activated Falsely ................................................ 
        q. Fire Evacuation Procedure .................................................. 
        r. Open Flames and Fire-Producing Appliances, and Flammable Materials . 
        s. Projectiles from Student Windows ..................................... 
        t. Appliances and Electricity Manipulation ............................. 
        u. Furniture ............................................................................. 
   Index ..................................................................................................... 

Introduction and Goals/Desired Outcome of Residential Living

Welcome to residence hall living at Mayville State University! As a student it is important to remember that academic success in every field is dependent upon learning to work with other people. For most students, living on campus is an integral component of one’s educational experience. We assert the beliefs and goals that form the philosophical foundation of a college residence life experience:

  • Encourage and respect students as emerging adults.
  • Provide a clean, safe, enjoyable residential environment.
  • Promote an environment conducive to study and academic pursuit.
  • Increase student appreciation of different cultures, races, values, and lifestyles.
  • Promote the development of healthy and meaningful relationships among students.
  • Encourage self-exploration and self-challenge: emotionally, intellectually, physically, spiritually, occupationally, and socially.
  • Teach life skills such as critical thinking, decision-making, communication, and personal responsibility.
  • Provide challenge and support for students as they explore developmental issues.
  • Encourage and promote leadership, volunteering and community service as an important component of citizenship in any community.

Please read this document carefully, as all information contained in in it is considered part of the residence hall agreement. Individuals who sign and submit a housing contract will be responsible for knowledge of all information contained in this handbook.


Goals and Desired Outcomes
This section describes outcomes hoped for in a residence life program. None of these outcomes are guaranteed, but in our interaction with students and their roommates, students and their families, and students in their personal development, these goals guide our interaction with students.

Your residence hall will be "home" for nine months of the year. This is where you study, sleep, make friends, socialize and relax. You may be sharing a room, suite, or apartment with other students and you will share the facilities of your floor with a number of students. You are an important member of this community. Living in a residence hall requires compromise, consideration and the sharing of responsibilities. As a member of your floor, you are responsible for respecting the needs and rights of others. All residents are asked to do their part to keep the floor clean, safe and quiet enough for sleep and study. These responsibilities also apply to the residence hall as a whole since you and the residents of your floor will cooperate with residents of other floors to make it a better place to live.

Quiet Hours – Courtesy Hours
Courtesy and consideration (24 hours per day) for the rights of others are essential if a harmonious atmosphere is to be maintained. The staff will be working toward developing an environment conducive to study; however, this can be accomplished only with the cooperation of all residents.
Recreation rooms and lounges are recommended for large group activities. An easy guideline to remember is: If you are making a noise that disturbs another resident, you are making too much noise. Quiet hours in the residence halls are from 10pm-11am daily or Midnight to 11:00 am Saturdays/ Sundays/Holiday days. 24-hour quiet hours are in place during final test periods.

Courtesy Living
We want all students to be able to
1. read and study without interference, unreasonable noises or news levels, and other distractions.
2. sleep without undue disturbance.
3. to have personal privacy in their rooms.
4. live in a clean environment.
5. have free access to one’s room and facilities.
6. host guests, but with the understanding that the guests will honor other residents’ rights.
7. to sleep or study, which we believe supersedes the right of another person to entertain.
8. redress grievances. Residence hall staff is available for assistance in settling conflicts.
9. be free of fear or intimidation and physical or emotional harm.
10. assume there will be reasonable cooperation in telephone use.
11. be respected, and to respect a roommate’s belongings.
12. have a living environment free from residents who abuse or misuse drugs/alcohol.

Resident Student Rights and Responsibilities
As a member of the residence hall community, you have the right to expect:
1. to live in a safe, clean, well-maintained facility and the responsibility to ensure the same for all.
2. to an environment that is conducive to your academic and social pursuits, and the responsibility to take part in developing and maintaining such an environment.
3. to voice your opinion on policies that affect you through participation in floor meetings, hall government and University organizations.
4. to freedom from discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, handicap, creed, sexual orientation, or national origin. You retain the right afforded you as a citizen of the state and the union.
5. to be asked to consider the rights of other residents. Your actions should not interfere with another's rights as stated, nor should your actions interfere with the University's attempt to manage and maintain the residence hall system.
6. to participate in floor community meetings. Each resident shares in the responsibility for establishing, adhering to and enforcing community policies and guidelines.
7. for knowing and complying with state law, University policies and student expectations, and the expectations outlined in this handbook.
8. to be responsible for your own actions and for accepting consequences associated with policy violations.

Leadership Development
Many opportunities exist for students to get involved in leadership roles and to enhance their skills. The purpose of these efforts is to provide support for the overall leadership development of students in the residence halls.

One of these leadership opportunities is the Resident Assistant position. RAs are student members of the residence hall staff. They plan hall activities and assist the Resident Director with the administrative functions of the hall. Through training, RAs learn valuable life skills such as time management, conflict resolution, stress reduction, counseling and interpersonal communication skills. RAs are recognized as student leaders, in the residence halls and throughout the University community.

The Residence Hall Association also provides leadership opportunities for students.

Residence Hall Association (RHA)
RHA is an organization that acts as an avenue for voicing recommendations and providing input regarding policies and other aspects of residential life. This legislative body consists of executive officers, floor representatives and general members who meet on a regular basis and serve a variety of functions including setting a budget for hall funds, purchasing equipment for the halls, discussing and offering solutions for problems occurring within the residence halls, and planning and implementing hall activities. All residents of MSU's residence halls are eligible for membership in the RH and all meetings are open to all students.

Officers are elected from members of the residence halls and serve a one-year term. Committees address items such as policies, repairs, programming, budget, food service and intramurals. Contact your Assistant Director or Resident Assistant for more information on how you can get involved in this intra-hall government system specifically designed for students in residence.

Residence Hall Staff

Residence Hall Staff
The Mayville State housing office employs students and professional staff. While living in a residence hall, Resident Assistants (RAs) will be the student members of the staff with which you have most contact. RAs are men and women who live on or near the floor and assist you in many ways.

  • Resident Assistants have a responsibility to promote and identify threats to safety. If you become aware of a threat to the safety of people in the residence halls (a broken lock, a damaged or burned out light, persons or other students violating policy) letting a Resident Assistant know is a minimum we expect of members of our community. 
  • RAs will be assisting you in developing a community. Programs and activities on the floor or wing will give residents a chance to interact, learn the names and interests of others on the floor, and create new connections with other students. They will assist you in problems you may be having with your roommate, a boyfriend or girlfriend, loneliness, and a wide variety of other concerns.
  • RAs set and enforce behavioral expectations and work with those not conforming to those expectations.
  • RAs are trained to be knowledgeable of housing and university services, and they are a good starting point to find information. They are available to help you in a crisis emergency situation, which could include injury, accident, or illness. Their connection to services like counseling, the business office or the careers advisor, or the writing center (or other services!) is intended to help students be successful, academically and outside of the classroom. 

RAs are students and have an academic schedule and study needs similar to the students on the floor. They need personal and relaxation time, and there may be times when they are distracted. You may, on occasion, have difficulty contacting the RA. Please refer to their posted phone numbers to contact them via phone or by email.

Someone is “on duty” each night. Duty begins at 9:00 pm and at least one RA is in the building until the next morning. They tour the building to check for safety issues and to help students live within the expectations of the community.

The Residence Life Manager is a full-time and professional staff member, and a significant part of their job is the responsibility of managing the residence halls. This person provides resources and support for the many activities in your hall and on your floor. This includes supervising RAs and working with residents with personal and behavioral problems.


The Residence Life Manager is a liaison with maintenance, housekeeping, and food service. Their primary concern is the safety of residents, followed by the growth and development of all residents and the community. The Manager wants to get to know you and will be knocking on your door. Please feel free to stop by their office and get to know them or just to say "hello."

Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities: Expectations of Residents

“The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities and Student Disciplinary Process is published such that students are provided a general notice of prohibited conduct. The Code should be read broadly and is not designed to define misconduct in exhaustive terms.

“It is the responsibility of students to know and understand individual department policies as well as campus policies published in the Student Services document and other University documents and websites. These policies include, but are not limited to, policies stated in the Housing Agreement, Residence Hall Handbook, Academic Integrity Policy, Computer Acceptable Use Policy, Tobacco-Free Campus Policy, Parking Policy, and other University policies.

“Students who allegedly violate the Code, Residence Hall Handbook, Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy and Procedure, or other university policies may become subject to disciplinary action.” ( - Code)

Selected Policy Reminders Specific to Residence Hall Living

  • Directives of a University Official

Students are not to disregard the reasonable directive, verbal or written, of a University official. University officials include, but are not limited to, Resident Assistants, Resident Directors, Residence Hall Night Watch Patrol, MSU Night Watch Patrol, and MSU weekend custodial. Neither are students to obstruct residence hall or other University officials in carrying out their assigned duties.

  • Falsification of Information/ Misrepresentation

Students are not to use or provide false documentation to the University or to officials of the University in any form, written or verbal. Students are not to knowingly use, misrepresent or falsify any University records forms or procedures.

Misrepresentation or misuse of any identification card in the residence halls or failure to show appropriate identification upon request by a residence hall or university staff member will result in disciplinary action.

  • Identification of Persons on Campus

In order to protect the safety and welfare of students and employees of the University and to protect the property of the University, all persons on property under the jurisdiction of the University shall identify themselves to an institutional representative who has identified himself/herself. A person identifies himself/herself by giving his/her name and complete address and stating truthfully his/her relationship to the University. A person may be asked to present some form of identification.
If a person refuses or fails upon request to present evidence of his/her identification and it reasonably appears that the person has no legitimate reason to be on the campus or in the facility, the person may be ejected from the campus or facility. In addition, if the person is a student they may be subject to disciplinary actions.

  • Drugs

The State of North Dakota prohibits the sale, possession, and use of marijuana, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogenic drugs and/or paraphernalia. The University cooperates fully with state authorities seeking to enforce drug abuse laws. Students receive no immunity from arrest or prosecution by law enforcement officials as a result of their residence in University housing.
Residence hall students are expected to abide by Federal, State, Local, and City laws and ordinances with respect to the use of dangerous/illegal drugs and narcotics. Situations involving student drug possession/abuse will be reported to the Director of Student Life and/or civil authorities for appropriate disciplinary and/or legal action. This may include removal from the residence hall and/or the university.

  • Gambling

Any games of chance involving money are prohibited on University property.

  • Harassment

Menacing: Menacing is knowingly frightening or attempting to frighten another person through threats of imminent and serious harm.
Terrorizing: Terrorizing means to threaten to commit an act of violence and/or to threaten to commit an act that would endanger another person’s life.
Stalking: To “stalk” means to intentionally with no legitimate purpose, repeatedly (more than one time) behave in a way that would cause a person to experience fear, intimidation or harassment, or to be the object of repeated unwanted attention. Stalking behavior includes, but is not limited to, such actions as: following, loitering near, telephoning, or e-mailing another person with the intent to annoy, harass, alarm, distress, or intimidate that person or his/her immediate family.

  • Hazing

Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created intentionally to produce psychological or physical discomfort, embarrassment, or ridicule. It is assumed that all students, student groups, faculty, and staff are interested in intellectual and social development of individual members; therefore, in activities no action will be taken which stands to endanger the health of the individual, or demand of him or her undignified conduct, or in any way jeopardize his or her scholastic standing or general well-being. For these reasons, all forms of hazing on the part of any student/student groups – whether on or off University property – are expressly prohibited.

  • Insurance

The University is not responsible for loss or damage from any cause to the personal property of the resident. In some cases, parents’ homeowners' insurance policies may cover such items, but students should consider the purchase of a renters insurance policy through most commercial insurance companies to cover loss or damage to personal property, including your laptop computer or other electronics or valuables.
When not in your room, keep your doors locked. Encourage your roommate/suitemates to do the same thing.
In some residence hall rooms, there is a lockable drawer or cabinet. Home improvement stores sell containers (tubs) that accept a lock. Having a container to put your valuables is an important part of preventing loss when you live with a roommate.

  • Weapons and Explosives

Firearms, explosives, or other dangerous weapons are not permitted within or upon the grounds, buildings, residence halls, or any other facilities of the University, except when carried by law enforcement officers or military members in uniform.

NDCC § 62.1 defines weapons as “any switchblade or gravity knife, machete, scimitar, stiletto, sword, dagger, or knife with a blade of five inches [12.7 centimeters] or more; any throwing star, nunchaku, or other martial arts weapon; any billy, blackjack, sap, bludgeon, cudgel, metal knuckles, or sand club; any slingshot; any bow and arrow, crossbow, or spear; any weapon that will expel, or is readily capable of expelling, a projectile by the action of a spring, compressed air, or compressed gas, including any such weapon, loaded or unloaded, commonly referred to as a BB gun, air rifle, or CO2 gun; and any projector of a bomb or any object containing or capable of producing and emitting any noxious liquid, gas, or substance.

“’Firearm’ or ‘weapon’ [also] means any device which will expel, or is readily capable of expelling, a projectile by the action of an explosive and includes any such device, loaded or unloaded, commonly referred to as a pistol, revolver, rifle, gun, machine gun, shotgun, bazooka, or cannon.”

Weapons may be securely stored in vehicles. “’Secured’ means the firearm is closed into the trunk or nonpassenger part of the vehicle; placed into a closed and secure carrying device; rendered inoperative by the use of a trigger, hammer, cylinder, slide, or barrel-locking device that renders the firearm incapable of firing until the device is unlocked and removed; or so disassembled or disabled as to be rendered incapable of firing (ibid).

Student Discipline Protocols

Resident Behavior
The primary responsibility for behavior rests with the individual resident. Consideration and tolerance of others is requested in the hall setting in order to avoid an overload of rules governing individual conduct.

The Student Discipline Protocols, its offenses and the penalties that may result from the offenses, are found in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities and Disciplinary Processes (Code) or the Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy and Procedures documents.

Expectations from the documents are enforced, but because of the residence halls unique arrangement specific rules and regulations have been designed to help promote a healthy living environment.
The following are prohibited:

Acts in Violation of Established Student Housing and Student Life Policies or Procedures

a. Alcohol - Violation of established Student Housing and Student Life policies regarding the possession, distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages including:

  1. Consuming or transporting open alcoholic beverages in residence hall common areas including, but not limited to, hallways, lounges, stairways, and/or community bathrooms.
  2. No possessing alcohol paraphernalia including, but not limited to, empty alcoholic beverage containers, beer bongs, and/or kegs.
  3. No providing open access to alcohol including, but not limited to, access to bulk or common source alcohol containers, access to more open containers present than the number of legal age persons present, or access to devices or games used in or intended for the rapid consumption of alcoholic beverages.

b. Tobacco on Campus – Smoking, the use of E-Cigarettes or similar devices, and the use of smokeless or chewing tobacco are prohibited on all University Grounds, with the exception of personal vehicles. Smoking, Vaping, or use of smokeless or chew tobacco is not allowed in the residence halls. also see: Tobacco Free Campus

c. Health and Welfare - Failing to maintain living space and common areas in original condition: clean, unaltered, hazard-free.

d. Unauthorized Occupancy/Use of Residential Facilities – Unauthorized occupancy of a living space or use of residential facilities including, but not limited to; cohabitation, subletting, altering the physical structure of the room/apartment without approval, remaining present if maintenance work is occurring after temporary space has been assigned, and/or providing laundry facility access to non-residents.

e. Pets/Animals – The possession of a pet (other than fish). Service Animals and Assistance/Emotional Support Animals are authorized through an application and registration process with the Office for Disability Support Services, and only such animals that are previously authorized are permitted in University buildings or residence halls.

f. Trash/Recycling - Improperly storing or disposing of trash and/or recycling.

g. Wheeled Transportation - Unauthorized parking, securing, storing, indoor transport, use, or abandonment of a skateboard, hoverboard, bicycle, motorcycle, or scooter. Note: the friction of the wheels of most of these devices damages the wax surface of floors and/or the integrity of carpet when these items are used inside.

h. Decorations - Displaying decorations that are not compliant with the "Fire Safety" instruction in this Handbook, or displaying pornographic or discriminatory literature or other materials or any materials that cause, or would be reasonably likely to cause, mental harm to another.

i. Over Capacity Gatherings – Assembling ten (10) or more people (residents included) in a residential room, suite, or apartment.

j. Failure to Manage Guests – Hosting guest who are have restricted from a hall or Campus Grounds; failing to supervise and attend to a guest; hosting an excessive number of guests; housing a guest for more than three days and/or without the agreed consent of your room/suitemate(s); and/or the failure of your guests to act within the expectations provided by these University policies and procedures.

k. Hall Sports – Engaging in games and sports intended for outdoor play including, but not limited to, water guns/balloons, rollerblading, and bouncing and throwing balls.

l. Improper treatment of Roommates – Failing to follow a Roommate Agreement, creating an inhospitable environment, or not maintaining personal care.

m. Failure to Observe Courtesy/Quiet Hours – Making excessive noise and/or engaging in disruptive behavior that causes sound to be heard beyond the confines of a room, suite or, apartment.

n. Posting/Advertising – Unauthorized display, distribution, or removal of flyers, posters, banners, or other advertisements.

o. Soliciting/Operating a Business – Operating a business, selling or promoting a service or product from a residence hall room, suite, apartment, or common area.

p. Fire Alarm Activated Falsely – Intentional false activation of the fire alarm system, or activation through forbidden activity (e.g. smoking, candles, open flame cooking equipment).

q. Failure to Observe Fire Evacuation Procedure – Failing to evacuate after the activation of the fire alarm and/or following the directives of University and/or emergency personnel.

r. Use of Open Flames, Burning Embers, or Possession of Flammable Materials – Possession of , but not limited to, candles, incense, marijuana smelling smoking substances, smoking, fireworks, “Christmas trees” (live or cut down), lighter fluid, gas/ propane, charcoal briquettes, and/or burning of any materials.

s. Appliances, Electronics – Possessing an appliance with an open heat source and/or no thermostat control (i.e. toaster ovens, hot plates, space heaters, etc.); using a multi-outlet extension cord.

t. Projectiles – Throwing, dropping, or projecting objects from a residential structure.

u. Furniture - Unauthorized movement of University furniture, and/or possessing a waterbed or self-manufactured loft. 


The North Dakota State Board of Higher Education prohibits
● the presence of alcoholic beverages within campus residence halls;
● alcoholic beverage distribution, storage, or consumption
● the storage or display of alcoholic containers, including empty alcohol containers, on state university property.
Students are expected to abide by local ordinances and state laws regarding the consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages. In addition, beverages that are sold as “imitation alcohol products” are not allowed. Individuals in the presence of alcohol or other drugs are subject to conduct procedures. Violation of this policy and/or other policies impacting your fellow residents may result in your removal from the residence halls. Non-college students, who are of minority age, found in situations with alcohol in the residence halls are subject to arrest, as are their hosts.
Party Rooms – Alcohol – A room in which four or more persons are present and having alcohol present will be declared a party room. Party Rooms are a violation of the alcohol policy. See the Code. Residence Hall staff may contact the Traill County Sheriff’s Office, which could result in the filing of legal charges.
Alcohol/Drug Advertisement
Posters and other items advertising alcohol/drugs are prohibited in the public areas of the residence hall and its surrounding grounds. This includes posters and lighted signs in residence hall windows or on residence hall doors.
Alcohol Containers
Alcohol containers, full or empty, are not allowed in MSU residence halls. Violations will be subject to conduct proceedings.
Incapacitation – Alcohol or other Drugs
Residents who become incapacitated as a result of drinking, drug usage or a medical condition will receive proper emergency medical care when staff members become aware of their condition, EMS will be notified immediately. Residents will be financially responsible for the costs of this medical care including ambulance and/or hospitalization costs.
Immunity from Prosecution— “An individual is immune from criminal prosecution if that individual contacted law enforcement or emergency medical services and reported that the individual was or that another individual was in need of emergency medical assistance due to a drug overdose. To receive immunity under this section, the individual receiving immunity must have remained on the scene until assistance arrived, cooperated with emergency medical services and law enforcement personnel in the medical treatment of the reported drug overdosed individual, and the overdosed individual must have been in need of emergency medical services” (NDCC § 19-03.1-23.4).


The University will not take disciplinary action against a student who calls for or who receives medical attention due to alcohol or other drug use such that medical assistance is needed or sought. The University may require compliance with educational initiatives related to the overdose that created the situation.
According to North Dakota Century Code #5-01-05.1,
"If a person is hospitalized for detox purposes, law enforcement or campus security personnel must notify the emergency contact.”
Except as noted above, incapacitated students who are in violation of local, state or federal laws concerning alcohol and other drugs are subject to citation and/or arrest for relevant violation of law.

Tobacco, Smoking, Smokeless Tobacco, and Vaping

Mayville State University is a “tobacco free” campus. Smoking or Chewing Tobacco and the use of e-cigarettes and the like is not allowed in or around the residence halls or, really, anywhere on campus. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.

Health and Welfare

You are responsible for cleaning your room (exception: Agassiz Hall & Berg Hall suites and apartments are on a cleaning schedule for the bathrooms. These times will be communicated to Agassiz & Berg residents). Cleaning equipment is available in your hall.
Keeping your room in a reasonable state of cleanliness throughout the year is expected. When you check out, you are expected to remove all personal items brought into the room. You are responsible for cleaning the room so that it is left in the same condition as when you moved in. If any special cleaning must be made by the custodian, you will be charged a $55.00 minimum (2 people at overtime for 2 hours).
The University reserves the right for its personnel to enter and inspect your room if concerns for you and others health and safety is perceived.
Students may bring their own refrigerator providing the unit does not exceed 3 cubic feet. Before check-outs at end of the semester or before extended breaks, all fridges must be properly defrosted and cleaned out. Any fridges that show the existence of mold, are left in an unacceptable state or deemed a health hazard will be assessed with a Health and Wellness Violation and will be removed from the room by Residence Hall Staff.
Room Checks and Health and Wellness Checks
Approximately monthly, your RA and/or Residence Life Manager, or other designated University official, will enter your room. Residence hall staff personnel will visit all residence hall rooms to check for security, compliance, and to interact with the residents to address concerns they may have about their living environment. You will be notified before this happens, but you do not have to be present at the time of entry.
A central purpose of the room checks is to ensure university property is well-maintained, that fire safety measures are in place, that the room is clean, that there are no obvious policy violations, and that the environment is appropriate and conducive to living and learning.
Additional room checks for Health and Safety may be conducted as needed by the Resident Assistants to help with ensuring the health and safety of the residents. The checks will be conducted at random or on specific days determined by the Residence Life Manager. Anyone who is found with a room that is determined to be unfit (i.e., excessive mess, unsanitary, risk to residents in terms of safety or providing a hindrance in case of a fire/emergency) will be given 24-48 hours to clean the room. After said time has passed the RA/Manager will re-inspect the room, if the room fails inspect the second time, conduct proceedings may be initiated.

Unauthorized Occupancy/Use of Residential Facilities

In order to maintain a favorable, safe and secure living environment, certain rules must be followed. All non-residents of a building must be escorted by a resident of that building. Visitors to the residence halls must be an invited guest of the resident.
There is an approved visitation schedule.
Sunday through Thursday: 11:00 a.m. – Midnight
Friday and Saturday: 24 hours
(Escort rules apply)
On Weekdays (school nights), no guest should be in a student room after midnight. Weekend (Friday and Saturday) nights, 24-hour visitation is permitted. As in other areas, discussion with your roommate prior to bringing a visitor to the room should be done. The time(s) and frequency of visitors need to be arranged in advance between roommates. The right of a resident to sleep or study supersedes the right of another person to entertain.
Cohabitation – an on-going relationship in which two people appear to be residing together – is against state law and University policy.
Students are permitted by the University to have overnight guests, with conditions.
1. Non-students guests, who are registered/approved with, the Director of Student Life/Resident Director. Examples of merited guests might be members of a resident’s immediate family Non-registered overnight guests will be treated as trespassers.
2. A guest may be housed in your room with permission of your roommate; however, the guest will not be issued a key to your room. You may not have more than one guest at a time and may not house a guest for more than three nights, unless special arrangements are made. You must instruct your guest of the University and residence hall rules and policies; you are responsible for the conduct of your guests. Misconduct could result in the loss of this privilege, disciplinary action for you, and immediate eviction of your guest.
3. Student guests: The University establishes a visitation hour’s policy for weekly inter-visitation privileges and requires all visitors to be escorted by hall residents to and from rooms.
Visitation might infringe upon the rights of the roommates or suitemates.

The host of a guest must recognize the right of a roommate to a reasonable degree of privacy. Such privacy must be given every consideration by those who have a guest. It is of paramount importance for roommates to discuss visitation and to arrive at a program acceptable to both. A resident's right to privacy takes precedence over the roommate's privilege to have a guest.
During long weekends, visitation and escort rules for the weekend will be extended to include the non-class day(s). This extension does not apply to semester (winter) or Spring Break.
Residents and their Guests
Guests must be escorted by a resident at all times while visiting in the building. Fines may be assessed for violations of this policy. Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests. In addition, guests who violate campus policy will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
Dates of Occupancy
Arrangements for students who are involved in leadership groups and/or varsity athletics, in situations where that group or team is conducting training, service, practice, or competition, or the like, may have dates of occupancy that are more expansive than the published opening-and-closing dates announced. Except for such students, the announced dates indicate the earliest or latest, respectively, a student is in the residence hall. In some cases and at the discretion of the Director of Student Life, a student may early-arrive or late-stay. Generally, a cost of $30/night is associated with such permission.
Semester and Spring Break - Breaks
According to your room and board contract, the residence halls and food service program are not available to our students during semester break (winter), and spring break. Any student desiring housing during these breaks may do so by paying an Interim Housing fee of $30 per day or $99/week. An application for Interim Housing must be completed at least 10 days prior to the beginning of the break in which housing is needed.
Students who steal from the University by staying in their room without registering or paying during the Interim Housing period will be referred to the Discipline System and will be charged the nightly rate for the full break period without discount.
If a room has a vacancy during the year, resident(s) should always be prepared for a new roommate. If necessary, students residing in a single room may be required to take on a roommate provided that space is limited in the residence halls. Students living alone in a double room will be given reasonable time and notification to either secure a roommate or to pay for a single room.
Locked Doors
All residence hall doors leading into the resident’s wings are locked on a 24-hour basis for protection of the residents and their property. Propping these or an exterior door such that the building’s security is compromised is a violation. Anyone propping doors or forcibly pulling open a locked door will face University conduct action.

Pets and Animals

e. Pets and Animals
No pets are permitted in on-campus living units, except for fish (aquarium size: 10 gallons maximum). Should a pet be discovered a fee of $20.00 a day will be assessed until the pet is removed. If necessary, the police will be contacted to remove the pet at the owner’s expense. Any special cleaning/sanitation work that is required will be billed to the resident(s) responsible for the pet. Any aquarium that is placed in the room must be approved by all parties involved and the tank must be properly maintained.

Trash and Recycling

Trash bins and recycling bins are located on your floor or wing and reasonable volumes of each can be deposited in these bins. Excessive trash or recycling, such as occurs during move in days or during special occasions, should be taken to the dumpsters at the East end of the residence halls parking lot.

Wheeled Transportation

g. Wheeled Transportation The riding of skateboards, roller-blades, roller skates and bicycles is prohibited in the halls, and the storage of bicycles in the residence halls is prohibited. Bicycles – Bike racks are available for use outside each residence hall. All students who own bikes are encouraged to obtain strong locks and chains. As they are outdoor bikes, you cannot ride bikes in the residence halls. Bikes may not be stored in the residence halls common areas and no winter storage is available. No motorized vehicles are allowed in residence halls. Rollerblades/Inline Skates and Scooters/Skateboards – The wearing of rollerblades/inline skates, the use of scooters/hoverboards/skateboard and the like, are prohibited in the residence halls. These types of sports equipment damage floors and carpets.

Decorations Room Personalization

Personalizing your room is permitted. However residents must not alter or damage the condition of the room and must conform to current housing guidelines. Pictures and posters may be temporarily hung on the walls of your room. Use of stick-ons and other adhesive products is discouraged. Any damage resulting from the use of hanging material will be charged to you upon checkout. It is recommended that blue sticky tape be used to hang items.*Note that it may stain so use at your own risk. Tacks, nails, and duct tape cannot be used on the doors or walls. Plant hangers are not permitted in the ceiling.

It is important to properly space any posters or decorations on your wall due to flashover. Flashover is defined as the rapid spread of fire through a material that spans more than half of a wall and allows no fuel breaks. Hazardous materials (i.e. parachutes, fishnets, flags, and crepe paper) are not permitted to be hung from the ceiling. Any material which completely covers the length of the wall, or any other materials that are arranged so close to each other that a path of fuel spans the entire wall, can lead to flashover during a fire. Any materials, including wall hangings, posters, murals, wallpaper, etc., displayed on a wall which could lead to flashover are prohibited in the residence halls and are considered hazardous materials.

You are welcome to bring your favorite lamp, pillow, or rug to make your room more livable. No rubber or foam back carpet is permitted because of the toxic fumes given off by these substances during a fire. Your room is furnished with a bed, dresser, desk and chair for each resident, as well as drapes. The University does NOT provide the following items: blankets, linen, bedspreads, mattress pads, towels, garbage cans, and pillows.
Consult with your resident director regarding room decorations. Any damage caused by your decorating efforts will result in a charge for repair being assessed to you. Example: No nails, screws, tape, no command strips, etc. Sticky tack is preferred. Restoration costs will be assessed for damages for the cleanup of walls.

Holiday Decorations – Room Personalization
Holiday decorations may not include natural trees and greens. Artificial trees less than four feet are allowed. Spray snow and seasonal decorations must be removed prior to winter break. Only nonheat producing fireproof lights and decorations are permitted. Decorative lights must be UL approved and must be of miniature size. Ceramic lights are not permitted. Lights may not be hung on curtains or on the windows themselves and must be kept from contact with fabric. Residents must be in the room when lights are in use.

Overcapacity Gatherings

Over Capacity Gatherings – Assembling ten (10) or more people (residents included) in a residential room, suite, or apartment.
Also see Party Room.


See Guest above

Hall Sports

  • Balls – The bouncing of balls, hitting balls, rolling balls, etc. is prohibited in the residence hall and is subject to a conduct proceedings and/or damage fees, if any..
  • Darts – Due to damage resulting from darts, they are not allowed in the residence halls.
  • Water balloons, water balloon launchers, or the use of other like objects are also prohibited in the residence halls.
  • Other Sports Played Indoors create nuisances for your neighbors and are prohibited in the residence halls.

Living with Roommates

The first step in learning to live in a community is establishing a good relationship with your roommate and/or suitemates. Part of this relationship should include consideration of your roommate and the reasonable expectations she or he might have:
1. to read and study free from undue interference in one's room.
2. to have guests according to established hours with the expectation that guests are to respect the rights of the host's roommate and the other hall residents.

3. to sleep without undue disturbance from noise, guests of roommate(s), etc.
4. to expect that a roommate will respect one's personal belongings.
5. to live in a clean environment.
6. to free access to one's room and facilities without pressure from a roommate.
7. to personal privacy.
8. to discuss grievances.
9. to be free from fear of intimidation, physical and/or emotional harm. These rights are a suggestion to aid you in creating a positive living environment for you and your roommate(s).
There is no one “right” way to adjust to and live with a roommate, but there are wrong ways. Some people adapt well to having a roommate, perhaps someone who you chose to live with, perhaps someone assigned to the same room as you “pot luck.” There are tips above about working things out with a roommate but really, we can’t make someone like you or even be nice to you. Remember that your Resident Assistants (RAs) can assist you in developing addressing problems you may be having with your roommate, as well as with a boyfriend or girlfriend, loneliness, and a wide variety of other concerns.
There are steps we take to help resolve resolvable conflicts, but we do also entertain Room Change Requests. Typically we have a space in a room and can permit one person to move. How we decide that is never pretty. Ideally when there is unresolvable conflict and neither party wishes to leave, we have both leave. These things are resolved on a case-by-case basis.
Regardless whether you like your roommate, or not: you must be courteous, your must be honest, you should not steal from or threaten your roommate. Leaving the door unlocked against the wishes of your roommate indicates it might be you who is the problem. Having an overnight guest too often indicates it might be you who is the problem. Keeping strange hours indicates you might be difficult to live with.
Remember, Mayville State University reserves the right to transfer students to another room, floor, or building, or remove students from campus residence altogether if it is deemed to be in the best interests of the health, safety, scholarly aspirations, or welfare of students in University Housing.
And please, try to work it out, and please reach out to us if you need some help.
Semester Room Changes
Room changes for spring semester should be submitted to the Director of Student Life sometime in November.
A student who has requested a room change from the fall to the spring semester must complete the removal of their belongings from the fall room. Failure to do so may result in a room change cancellation (such that the new room can be assigned to a new incoming student) or in rent for both rooms being charged on a per diem basis.
Room Assignments
The University reserves the right to assign or reassign space for the benefit of an individual student and/or living unit. The University reserves the right to refuse housing to any student who is delinquent in the payment of housing bills or has demonstrated an unwillingness to abide by housing rules and policies. Reasonable notice of termination will be given. All students desiring rooms in University residence halls must submit a Housing Request Application Form accompanied by a $30 housing application fee.

Courtesy/Quiet Hours

Quiet Hours are in all residence halls are from 10pm-11am. This means respecting others' right to sleep, study, or not be disturbed. Students being disturbed should talk with the resident making the disturbance. Conduct proceedings may be initiated if it is determined that an individual has exceeded established noise levels.
Remember It’s always “Courtesy Hours.” If someone asks you to be quieter, please accommodate their reasonable request.

Posting/Advertising and Soliciting/Operating a Business

All of these activities are inconsistent with residence hall living and are not permitted. Leave posters alone, don’t add any that aren’t about your community, don’t try to sell things to your neighbors (you can list “for sale” items on the Mayville App).

Solicitation is the sale or offer of any property or service and/or receipt of or request of any gift or contribution. No solicitation shall be conducted in the residence halls except by the agents or employees of the University in accordance with University policy. Approved activities may only be conducted in the main foyer of the Campus Center.

Fire Alarm Activated Falsely Fire Alarm System and Equipment

Each residence hall is equipped with a smoke detector which is periodically checked by hall staff. In some cases, the detector in your room is wired to the building central monitoring system. The fire-alarm system and fire-fighting equipment are for your protection in the residence halls. Tampering with fire-fighting equipment, or setting off a false alarm, not only makes the system ineffectual but also endangers the lives of other residents. Thus, tampering with, removal of, or misuse of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, or other fire-fighting equipment and fire exit signs is prohibited by both our policy and state law. Any student tampering with fire-fighting equipment will be subject to punishment by state laws and disciplinary action. (Prosecuted as disorderly conduct, a Class 'B' misdemeanor, with a maximum punishment of 30 days in jail, a $500 fine or both).
Fire extinguishers are provided as a life safety feature. Tampering with them will result in disciplinary action and may result in removal from MSU Housing.
Fire Hazard
For your protection, we urge you to use good judgment in decorating your room so that furniture, posters, mobiles do not create fire hazards.
Flammable Materials and Accelerants
Because of the obvious fire hazard, highly flammable materials such as chemicals and gasoline are not permitted in the residence halls. The burning of candles are not allowed in residence hall rooms.
The burning of incense is not permitted in residence hall rooms at any time. It is a fire hazard, and many hall residents find the odor offensive to them.


Fire Evacuation Procedure
All residents and/or guests are expected to respond appropriately and immediately whenever a fire alarm is sounded. It is required by law that all persons exit the building during a fire alarm. Building evacuation is expected whenever an alarm has been sounded. If possible:
1. Lights on in room
2. Doors should be closed
3. Windows closed
4. Curtains open
All individuals should:
1. Wear shoes
2. Carry or wear a coat, and it is encouraged you also carry a towel.
3. Walk in single file to the outside of the building and get at least 50 feet away from the building.
4. Remain outside until a return signal is given.

If you discover or suspect a fire:
1. Stay calm. Think of what you need to do and then act.
2. Sound the alarm for the building.
3. Evacuate the building
4. Notify the fire department from a safe location by dialing 911 (don't hang up; you'll need to stay on the line to provide emergency personnel with location).




Op en Flames and Fire Producing Appliances, and Flammable Materials

Fire prevention in the residence halls is taken very seriously by hall staff and is the shared responsibility of all students living in the halls. The use of toasters, microwaves, hotpots, or any other cooking appliances is prohibited in rooms. Cooking appliances can only be used in kitchenettes. Candles used for decorative purposes are prohibited. Candles and other devices with open flames, as well as incense, are prohibited. Students who attach paper wrap to residence hall room doors must leave a 1 ft. border around the door free from paper.
In accordance with North Dakota state law, when the building alarm sounds, all residents are required to leave the building. Residents cannot re-enter a building until permitted to by hall staff. In the event of limited or poor evacuation, Resident Directors are authorized to direct hall staff to enter student rooms to ensure evacuation. Any violations of evacuation procedures by residents will be handled through conduct proceedings. Any person who willfully tampers with fire alarm equipment resulting in a false fire alarm is subject to criminal punishment. Fines from $250-$1,000 may be assessed, and the incident will become part of the person’s criminal record.

Projectiles from Student Windowss

Removing the screens from your windows is prohibited and can result in a fee to replace the screen. Throwing or ejecting items from your window can cause serious injury and may result in a removal and ban from the residence halls.

Applia nces and Electricity Manipulation

In the residence halls, several students' rooms are wired into the same electrical circuit. Care must be exercised in the number of electrical appliances plugged into any one outlet. Acceptable electrical appliances include desk lamps, radios, televisions, stereos, clocks, fans, portable hair dryers, curlers, curling irons, computers, refrigerator (3 cubic foot) and electric shavers.
Appliances not allowed include portable heaters, cooking appliances, sun lamps, exercise equipment, microwaves, and air conditioners. No more than 3 electrical appliances can be plugged into any double outlet. The Director of Student Life must approve all other electrical appliances. NOTE: Repeated disruptive offenses will result in confiscation (until such a time when the appliances can be taken home).
Alterations (Electrical)
Modifications, especially dimmer switches, are prohibited because of the safety factor involved during installation.
The use of extension cords without a surge protector is prohibited. Electrical alterations: UL approved power strips with surge protectors are the only type of multiple outlets allowed.
Plugging one power cord into another power cord (serial use of power strips or extension cords) is dangerous and prohibited. The use of outlet multipliers without a surge protector is prohibited.


Residents should not make structural changes, additions, attachments, transfers, or change of furniture placed in their rooms. Additional furniture is not allowed in the residence halls. (i.e. no personal futons, couches, chairs, etc. unless otherwise approved by the Director of Student Life). All entrances to rooms must be kept open and not blocked by furniture. Residents may bring small items of furniture (storage tubs/drawers, etc.) from home if they desire; however, they are responsible for all furniture in their assigned rooms and must meet the approval of the Resident Director. There is no storage space available for University furnishings moved to accommodate personal items. Furniture may not be transferred from one room to another or removed from campus.
Beds: Bed extenders are to be used only in bunking beds. Unsafe use of extenders, such as stilting or lofting, may result in conduct proceedings. The lofting of beds is prohibited in all residence halls.
Common Area Furniture
Residence Hall lounge furniture is for the use of all residents (for the convenience of all residents) and is to be left in the lounge or public area. Conduct proceedings will be initiated against residents in possession of hall furniture in their rooms. Fees for the rental of common area furniture, upto $20/day from the first day the item is missing, may be assessed to the individual responsible for such possession.
Personal and Common Area Damage Charges
Common damage is defined as malicious or negligent damage to a common area of a hall, above normal wear and tear, including theft of property. We expect a certain amount of wear to occur in your rooms. However, you will be charged for damage or loss which is a result of negligence or misconduct. Damage within your room will be the joint responsibility of the residents assigned to the room, unless individual responsibility is determined. Any damage in the residence halls, (i.e., lounge, restrooms, hallways, stairwells, lighting units, fire extinguishers, vandalism to other resident’s room/property, etc.) will be charged to the individual(s) responsible for the damage. If the party responsible is not determined or reported, the charges will be assessed to each resident of the floor or the entire residence hall, whichever is appropriate. Your cooperation and assistance will help contain room rates and improve the quality of living in the hall. A fine will be assessed for removal of lounge furniture to individual rooms.