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Student Handbook 2024-2025

Welcome to Mayville State University. We regard ourselves as a great place to study and a great community in which to become involved. Our commitment to academic freedom, our identity as the school of personal service, and our resolve to live our Core Values make this a place where dedicated students can succeed. We invite you to emulate these values. 

A central value of all campuses of higher education is

  • the creation of free and open forums for the expression of ideas and opinions concerning any and all aspects of human thought, and whether or not such ideas and opinions are matters of controversy;

    that discussion and debate should be conducted courteously, in good taste, and with scrupulous regard for the right of all parties to be heard;

  • that controversial subjects may, and should, be discussed in classes, as appropriate to the subject of that course, but that in all events, the academic objectivity of scholarship and teaching must be preserved;

  • that active participation of students in the political process is encouraged, consistent with the purpose of the University to develop informed and active citizens; and

  • that the political, religious, and ideological neutrality of the University, as a public institution of higher education, be scrupulously preserved.


For additional information, see Mayville State University Policy M503




MSU-seal.pngMayville State University, since its beginning in 1889, has embraced the philosophy of personal service, the foundation of our core values. These values guide how we perform our work and conduct ourselves every day with all of our stakeholders.

We act with integrity in all we do.

We demonstrate integrity through honesty and loyalty to our institution, high ethical standards, respect for others, being responsible and accountable for our actions, and having open communication.

We are student-focused.

We provide individualized support that is responsive to the needs of students, and results in their success.

We are committed to teaching and learning excellence.

We engage in transformational experiences, supportive learning environments, scholarly opportunities, and collaborative relationships.

We promote and value an open and diverse community.

We foster partnerships across our local, regional, and global communities. We respect all individuals through our small town campus culture that supports a sense of family.

We integrate leadership in all we do.

We encourage individuals to develop and strengthen leadership skills and abilities, while providing opportunities to enhance the common good.